LAPTAB Creative Lantern Ornament Shade Night Light creative-lantern-ornament-shade-night-light Product Creative Lantern Ornament Shade Night Light Black

Style your room with modern unique table lamps that enhance the elegance of your place!

  • creative lantern lamp night light ornament
  • modern style lantern
  • made from durable plastic material
  • best for desktop, side table, office, home decoration
  • it provides a soft yellow light which is fully adjustable, offering long burn times to keep the light and conversation flowing.
  • This ambient lantern provides a soft yellow light
  • that is the perfect back drop to the perfect evening



Product #: 206651
4.4 stars, based on 89 reviews Regular price: Rs 1597 Rs1597 (Sale ends ) Available from: Laptab Condition: New In stock! Order now!
  • 11:7:45

Creative Lantern Ornament Shade Night Light

Rs. 1597 Rs.2799 + Free Delivery


Bought by 140 people! HOT SELLER!

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Key Features

Style your room with modern unique table lamps that enhance the elegance of your place!

  • creative lantern lamp night light ornament
  • modern style lantern
  • made from durable plastic material
  • best for desktop, side table, office, home decoration
  • it provides a soft yellow light which is fully adjustable, offering long burn times to keep the light and conversation flowing.
  • This ambient lantern provides a soft yellow light
  • that is the perfect back drop to the perfect evening



Creative Lantern Ornament Shade Night Light Details

Product NamePrice
Creative Lantern Ornament Shade Night Light Price in Pakistan (updated)1597

Creative lantern is also commonly known as general lighting. Ornament Shade, or general lighting, tends to dominate the lighting landscape of each room.

The main lights that you use to light up the room as a whole can usually be included within this lighting category. This night light also tends to set the tone for the room.

Laptab is presenting good quality of lantern for your décor room if you are interested then visit: lantern

Today, we are going to be focusing mainly on. However, home decor lantern we will take a look at the other two as well to give you a better idea of how each type works in conjunction with one another and how they best are used together.

This light also home décor tends to set the tone for the room. The level of ambient lighting will dictate whether a room is bright, homey, a bit darker or more relaxed.

It is most commonly hang from the ceiling. Lights such as chandeliers, track lights, pot lights, among others, help create a room’s ambient lighting.

Moreover, Table and floor lamps can also contribute to a room’s ambient lighting. This is especially true if using one will light up a large portion of the room. However, there are also times when these lights are considered task lights.

Traditionally designed, the room interior design is the perfect way to set the atmosphere for a relaxing evening. It provides a soft yellow light which is fully adjustable, offering long burn times to keep the light and conversation flowing.

Besides, it is easy to technology makes connecting a cartridge simple and it runs of Campinas CV valve cartridges which feature an integrated safety valve allowing them to be disconnected and reconnected even when they are not empty.

Decoration item set the atmosphere for a relaxing evening, this creative lantern provides a soft yellow light that is the perfect back drop to the perfect evening, relaxing and chatting with loved ones. The traditional style will add a classic touch and it is fully adjustable, offering long burn times to keep the light going and the conversation flowing

A charming traditional lantern.  The soft yellow light can be adjusted precisely with adjustable gas flow and flame height. In addition, this classic lantern is provided with a perfume atomizer. Now traditionally designed, the decoration lantern is the perfect way to set the atmosphere for a relaxing evening!




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