LAPTAB Pack of 4 Kitchen Stove Oil Proof Wall Sticker pack-of-4-kitchen-oil-proof-wall-sticker Product Pack of 4 Kitchen Stove Oil Proof Wall Sticker Black

1. Removable, but not reusable.
2.Our decals are made with high quality vinyl.
3. The decals are cut out, so they have no background. The background is whatever you place the decal on.
4.It can be applied to almost all clean, smooth, dust and grease free surface.
5.Size of decals may be a little bit bigger to show you all details.

Product #: 208459
4.4 stars, based on 89 reviews Regular price: Rs 1121 Rs1121 (Sale ends ) Available from: Laptab Condition: New In stock! Order now!
  • 11:7:45

Pack of 4 Kitchen Stove Oil Proof Wall Sticker

Rs. 1121 Rs.2100 + Free Delivery


Bought by 136 people! HOT SELLER!

View our Complete range of Wallpapers/ Wall Stickers and Furniture Stickers

Key Features

1. Removable, but not reusable.
2.Our decals are made with high quality vinyl.
3. The decals are cut out, so they have no background. The background is whatever you place the decal on.
4.It can be applied to almost all clean, smooth, dust and grease free surface.
5.Size of decals may be a little bit bigger to show you all details.

Pack of 4 Kitchen Stove Oil Proof Wall Sticker Details

Product NamePrice
Pack of 4 Kitchen Stove Oil Proof Wall Sticker Price in Pakistan (updated)1121

1. Removable, but not reusable.
2.Our decals are made with high quality vinyl.
3. The decals are cut out, so they have no background. The background is whatever you place the decal on.
4.It can be applied to almost all clean, smooth, dust and grease free surface.
5.Size of decals may be a little bit bigger to show you all details.



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